Matts Mind
Spirituality/Belief • Culture • Preparedness
An interceptive walk through the mind of a Line cook, Tow truck driver, Car Salesman, and Machinist; with poetic and philosophical tendencies.
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September 04, 2021
Take the wheel

I am tired of people saying the Vaccines are safe! Nothing in this world is absolutely safe! People have died drinking water!
Woman dies after a water-drinking contest (
Life is calculating Risk, And just because some want to baby-proof the world, Don't expect others to follow!
I myself can care less what the White house the FDA or our Celebutard Media has to say about this Virus. They call us unscientific, really because it is that very scientific method that most common sense people follow.
For thousands of years, we have practiced it. Two cavemen find a piece of food they have never eaten before. The stupid one eats it, the smart one watches! Hey Gronk didn't die guess it's OK.
Seriously every survival guide will tell you If you have to eat something to survive press it to your lips. Note if anything happens. If nothing next place it into your mouth, take a little bite and spit it out, and so on and so forth. It's all weighing the risk watching closely the Gronks around you dying!

You know what I saw this last year, not a whole lot of Gronks Dying. I do not know personally in my family dying of covid. The only person I personally know that had it was my uncle and his family. He has had 3 heart attacks and open-heart surgery, pretty sure he is on the co-morbidity list in his 70's. Everyone That I have met that knew someone that knew someone how has died from it, Had those Co-morbidities and was known for living a very unhealthy lifestyle.
And if that's the case why aren't we seeing thousands upon thousands of homeless corpses littering the streets! I am pretty sure they got some co-morbidity and unhealthy lifestyles going on. Maybe that's why they are trying to kick everyone out on the streets for back rent. It seems Homeless Joe has figured out the true path to the cure!
This is from the CDC website
What are the risks from DTaP vaccine?
Soreness or swelling where the shot was given, fever, fussiness, feeling tired, loss of appetite, and vomiting sometimes happen after DTaP vaccination.
More serious reactions, such as seizures, non-stop crying for 3 hours or more, or high fever (over 105°F) after DTaP vaccination happen much less often. Rarely, vaccination is followed by swelling of the entire arm or leg, especially in older children when they receive their fourth or fifth dose.
This goes on on every single one of the Vaccines
The Covid-19 has a 99+% chance of not killing you, I would say that's pretty remote.

Hepatitis A
(A person infected with hepatitis A can transmit the disease to other people even if he or she does not have any symptoms of the disease.) Should we then mandate everyone in the United States as well to take the Hepatitis A vaccine!

As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injuries, or death.

Hepatitis A vaccine
Soreness or redness where the shot is given, fever, headache, tiredness, or loss of appetite can happen after hepatitis A vaccine.
People sometimes faint after medical procedures, including vaccination. Tell your provider if you feel dizzy or have vision changes or ringing in the ears.
As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injuries, or death.

This is from a Sky diving class
This was the deaths of skydiving in 2015
Skydiving is getting safer and safer every year in the US. The most recent data from the United States Parachute Association (USPA) shows that the number of fatalities per 1,000 jumps is at its lowest rate yet, at just 0.006 (in 2015).
(Anaphylaxis) The bad reaction to a vaccine is .25% to .33% death in comparison to .0006 to skydiving. This are stats from the UK government Riski of death in no pre-exesting conditions 80+=.2% , 70-79=.06%,60-69=.02%40-49=.002%,30-39=.000%
Your risk of dying from covid is slightly more than jumping out of an airplane!

My Point is this Our Nation is experiencing Tunnel Vision with this virus!
The danger of that is we are so concerned with this virus taken our lives. But we don't see that instead, it has taken our soul. Which is the freedom so many of our young men and women have died for.

Happy Labor Day
Grown-ups, please take the wheel
It seems little Timmy has had a little too much to drink!

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